SelectHealth wanted to increase insurance enrollment for two very different audiences— seniors aging into Medicare and young people shopping the market for the very first time.

Medicare Campaign
SelectHealth wanted to promote their medicare plans in a manner that was authentic and on-brand. So who better to speak to the product than current customers in Utah and Idaho? We filmed on location and took a completely unscripted route in asking real people about their experience with SelectHealth and their medicare coverage.

This campaign ran in two states and used television, radio, direct mail, and newspaper to reach prospective customers. We also ran two versions of the creative, as the offerings and provider partnerships varied by geography. Enrollment numbers were high in both states, even with SelectHealth being a relatively new entrant to the Idaho market.

Milennials Campaign
Health insurance is a tough sell for young people. They're healthy and tend to see the need for healthcare as something well into the future. And yet, life can throw curveballs at any age and going without coverage might not be the best play. SelectHealth asked for integrated campaign that applied a feel-good push in the right direction.

We met our audience on their home turf with digital display, pre-roll video, and interactive experiences like a photo booth. Enrollment numbers met campaign goals in both Utah and Idaho.